احصائيات المدونة

رد شبهات النصارى

الجمعة، 19 يوليو 2013

اتهام قس فاتيكاني للمرة الثانية بجرائم جنسية ضد قصر: أرغم “غلام المذبح” على جنس فموي

تفاصيل الفضيحة: تم القبض للمرة الثانية على قسيس كاثوليكي تابع للفاتيكان بتهمة تحرش جنسي ضد أحد غلمان المذبح في كنيسته كان قد لرغمه على التقام عضوه الذكري بفمه ( ممارسة جنس فموي)!!
غلام المذبح هو الصبي الذي يعمل في خدمة وطقوس القداس في الكنيسة عند “المذبح” أي مكان وقوف الكاهن والمائدة التي يوضع عليها الصليب والخبز والخمر اللذان يمثلان طقس القربان والتناول لدى نصارى الكاثوليك والأرثوذكس. يتعرض ألوف من هؤلاء الغلمان لأبشع جرائم الاغتصاب والتحرش الجنسي حول العالم على يد الكهنة وبين أفخاذ القساوسة من المنصرين المجرمين الذين يفترون الكذب على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ويتهمونه زوراً وبهتاناً بما هو فيهم متأصل وكثير. أخزاهم الله وفضحهم على رؤوس الأشهاد ليعلم الناس حقيقتهم والله أكبر
كتبه/ عصام مدير

صورة الخبر من صحيفة أمريكية
تفاصيل الخبر بالانجليزية

Priest again facing charges that he sexually abused altar boy

Those charges were dismissed by Municipal Judge Karen Y. Simmons following an August preliminary hearing, during which the now-24-year-old alleged victim testified that McCormick, 56, straddled him and put his penis on the victim's lips and on his teeth.
Simmons, in August, did hold McCormick for trial on the misdemeanor charges of indecent assault, corrupting the morals of a minor and endangering the welfare of a child.
Assistant District Attorney Jack O'Neill praised the former altar boy for reporting McCormick, and Judge Patrick for reinstating the most serious charges against him.
“This was an extremely clear law,” O'Neill said after the hearing. “The judge looked at the law, looked at the testimony and applied the law. Most of all, we're just grateful the victim was courageous to come forward. Now, this case is moving forward as it should.”
Defense attorney William J. Brennan said the fact that the District Attorney's Office needed a second preliminary hearing to have his client held on the felony charges may indicate that it will have trouble proving its claims at a trial, where the burden of proof is much higher.
“If the commonwealth is on the ropes in round one, perhaps they should reconsider this prosecution,” Brennan said.
As he did at his August hearing, McCormick wore his clerical garb.
McCormick was ordained to the priesthood in 1982. He last worked at the Sacred Heart Parish, in Swedesburg, Montgomery County, before being put on leave in March 2011 by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
He is free on bail.

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